• Clarence 'Clay' Bontrager and the StingRat •
• Clarence 'Clay' Bontrager and the StingRat •
September 1977 issue of Corvette Corner Magazine highlighting Clarence 'Clay' Bontrager's racing performances at the Hallett Motor Racing Circuit near Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1977, and at the 1976 NCCC National Convention in Orlando, Florida
Looking down the locked-and-loaded 466-caliber barrel of the StingRat at the Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, right-hand column, third photo up. Enlarged scan of this image shown below:
"It's possible that the name Bontrager rings a bell to some of you racing enthusiasts. He's the guy who won FTD at Daytona during last year's nationals in his "StingRat" as a modified, beating all the RP's. What a driver!" exclaims the editors at Corvette Corner Magazine
All scans are from the September 1977 issue of Corvette Corner Magazine (a physical copy of which resides in the CKCA archives)
Page last updated: 09/09/2024
© Central Kansas Corvette Association
Hutchinson, KS
© Central Kansas Corvette Association
Hutchinson, KS