CKCA Road Trip:
• New Mexico / Utah / Arizona / Colorado •
May 1 - 6, 2023
• Hosted by CKCA Members Darwin and Nadine Henry •
CKCA Road Trip Attendees: Darwin and Nadine Henry, John Denney, Wayne and Marcia Strawder, Steve Bernard and Laurie Bortner, Galen and Marilyn Seehafer, Bill and Diane Matlack, Randy and Susan Puls, Karen Ukens and grandson Bobby Krause, Tom Klassen, Jack and Lora Martin, Roger and Joan Gibson, and Gary and Janet Roth.
– Attendee list compiled by CKCA Members Wayne and Marcia Strawder
– Attendee list compiled by CKCA Members Wayne and Marcia Strawder
Here is the info on our trip for 2023 (May 1st through 6th). Now this trip is for the most part going to be a scenic drive. We will have hills and curves; mountains in New Mexico and the red rock of Utah but we will drive it at a speed so we can enjoy the beauty of it. (Sorry guys we will save fast for another year.)
On Monday, May 1st we will meet at 8:45 am at the east parking lot of the Love's truck stop in South Hutchinson and leave at 9:00 am. We will drive to Raton, New Mexico and stay the night there. Now for our noon meal that day you need to bring your lunch. We will stop at a park some where and eat, then we will eat that evening in Raton, New Mexico. Our motel for that night is at a neat Mom and Pop place. Raton Pass Motor Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under my name until April 1st at $76.00 each for two Queen beds. Call 575-445-3641 and talk to Michael or Brandy they are the owners.
On Tuesday May 2nd we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Farmington, New Mexico and stay the night there. Now for our noon meal we will stop at a fast food place, then eat that evening in Farmington, New Mexico. Our motel for that night is a Comfort Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under CKCA until April 25th at $105.00 for 2 Queen beds or 1 King bed. Call 505-325-9414 and talk to Sally between 8:00am and 4:00pm our time Monday through Friday.
On Wednesday May 3rd we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Torrey, Utah and stay the night there. Now we will be out in the middle of nowhere at noon time. You need to get something the night before or bring some thing from home for that noon meal. We will eat that evening in Torrey, Utah. Our motel for that night is a Days Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under my name until April 1st at $139.00 for 2 Queen beds. Call 435-631-2176 and talk to Terry.
On Thursday May 4th we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Page, Arizona and stay the night there. Not sure what we will do for our noon meal probably a good set down place. Then eat that evening in Page, AZ. Our motel for that night is a Days Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under CKCA until April 15th at $145.00 for a King bed. Call 928-608-5326 and talk to Sam.
On Friday May 5th we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Alamosa, Colorado and stay the night there. We will stop at the 4 Corners Monument on the way. Again not sure of what we will do for our noon meal. Then eat that evening in Alamosa, Colorado. Our motel for that night is a Best Western. I have 10 rooms blocked under CKCA until April 1st at $106.99 for two double beds. Call 719-589-2567 and talk to Maria.
On Saturday May 6th we will leave at 8:00 am and drive home. Again not sure where we will eat noon meal or evening meal.
This is just a outline of the trip so you can book your rooms and have a idea of what we are doing. I will work on our meal and break stops this winter when we are in Arizona, and give you more info at the March club meeting. Raton & Farmington, NM & Torrey, Utah have a 24hr cancellation policy. Page, AZ & Alamosa, CO have a 48hr cancelation policy. Let me know when you have booked your rooms. On April 1st I will let the motels know so they can release the rooms that we don't need.
– Trip itinerary contributed by CKCA Members Darwin and Nadine Henry
On Monday, May 1st we will meet at 8:45 am at the east parking lot of the Love's truck stop in South Hutchinson and leave at 9:00 am. We will drive to Raton, New Mexico and stay the night there. Now for our noon meal that day you need to bring your lunch. We will stop at a park some where and eat, then we will eat that evening in Raton, New Mexico. Our motel for that night is at a neat Mom and Pop place. Raton Pass Motor Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under my name until April 1st at $76.00 each for two Queen beds. Call 575-445-3641 and talk to Michael or Brandy they are the owners.
On Tuesday May 2nd we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Farmington, New Mexico and stay the night there. Now for our noon meal we will stop at a fast food place, then eat that evening in Farmington, New Mexico. Our motel for that night is a Comfort Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under CKCA until April 25th at $105.00 for 2 Queen beds or 1 King bed. Call 505-325-9414 and talk to Sally between 8:00am and 4:00pm our time Monday through Friday.
On Wednesday May 3rd we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Torrey, Utah and stay the night there. Now we will be out in the middle of nowhere at noon time. You need to get something the night before or bring some thing from home for that noon meal. We will eat that evening in Torrey, Utah. Our motel for that night is a Days Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under my name until April 1st at $139.00 for 2 Queen beds. Call 435-631-2176 and talk to Terry.
On Thursday May 4th we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Page, Arizona and stay the night there. Not sure what we will do for our noon meal probably a good set down place. Then eat that evening in Page, AZ. Our motel for that night is a Days Inn. I have 10 rooms blocked under CKCA until April 15th at $145.00 for a King bed. Call 928-608-5326 and talk to Sam.
On Friday May 5th we will leave at 8:00 am. We will drive to Alamosa, Colorado and stay the night there. We will stop at the 4 Corners Monument on the way. Again not sure of what we will do for our noon meal. Then eat that evening in Alamosa, Colorado. Our motel for that night is a Best Western. I have 10 rooms blocked under CKCA until April 1st at $106.99 for two double beds. Call 719-589-2567 and talk to Maria.
On Saturday May 6th we will leave at 8:00 am and drive home. Again not sure where we will eat noon meal or evening meal.
This is just a outline of the trip so you can book your rooms and have a idea of what we are doing. I will work on our meal and break stops this winter when we are in Arizona, and give you more info at the March club meeting. Raton & Farmington, NM & Torrey, Utah have a 24hr cancellation policy. Page, AZ & Alamosa, CO have a 48hr cancelation policy. Let me know when you have booked your rooms. On April 1st I will let the motels know so they can release the rooms that we don't need.
– Trip itinerary contributed by CKCA Members Darwin and Nadine Henry
The Utah Trip Gang filled the rest of us in on some of their adventures. They logged 2225 miles and between the 12 cars, averaged 55.6 MPH with 27.1 MPG. Galen’s car required an alternator in Raton, NM and Steve Bernard dealt with a flat tire but other than that no major car issues occurred!
In Bryce Canyon, there was snow on the ground and the group enjoyed (well mostly) the curvy roads and scenic drives. Be sure & check out the photos posted on our Facebook page.
In Montezuma, KS, the group got a lot of attention and the local news reporter even took photos for their local paper. The group got a lot of thumbs up as they were driving their route.
A huge Club THANKS to Darwin and Nadine Henry for all their hard work coordinating and planning these annual trips. It was obvious that this year’s trip was thoroughly enjoyed by the participants!
– Excerpt from the May 2023 CKCA Meeting Minutes - by Kären Piña, Secretary
In Bryce Canyon, there was snow on the ground and the group enjoyed (well mostly) the curvy roads and scenic drives. Be sure & check out the photos posted on our Facebook page.
In Montezuma, KS, the group got a lot of attention and the local news reporter even took photos for their local paper. The group got a lot of thumbs up as they were driving their route.
A huge Club THANKS to Darwin and Nadine Henry for all their hard work coordinating and planning these annual trips. It was obvious that this year’s trip was thoroughly enjoyed by the participants!
– Excerpt from the May 2023 CKCA Meeting Minutes - by Kären Piña, Secretary
Four Corners – May 5, 2023. Left to right: Janet and Gary Roth, Diane and Bill Matlack, Nadine and Darwin Henry, Marcia and Wayne Strawder, Marilyn and Galen Seehafer, Laurie Bortner and Steve Bernard, John Denney, Randy and Susan Puls, Bobby Krause and Karen Ukens. (Note: Jack and Lora Martin, Roger and Joan Gibson, and Tom Klassen left trip before visiting Four Corners.)
– Photo and caption material contributed by CKCA members Darwin and Nadine Henry
– Photo and caption material contributed by CKCA members Darwin and Nadine Henry
NOTE: Click on the photos below to open a larger version.
– Photos contributed by CKCA Members Wayne and Marcia Strawder
– Photo contributed by CKCA Members Galen and Marilyn Seehafer
• Raton Pass Motor Inn – Raton, NM:
– Image source:
• Farmington, NM:
– Image link:
• Torrey, UT:
– Image source:
• Page, AZ:
– Image source:
• Four Corners Monument:
– Image source:
• Alamosa, CO:
– Image source:
Page last updated: 06/11/2024
© Central Kansas Corvette Association
Hutchinson, KS
© Central Kansas Corvette Association
Hutchinson, KS